Rise In Gun Violence & The Complexities of Race, Religion & Politics

Mass Shooting (Credit: NY Times)December 7, 2015 – Segment 2

We look at the recent spate of violence in the U.S., as well as America’s love affair with guns and the complexities of race, religion and politics.

With: Dr. Marisela B. Gomez, physician, community activist and author of Race, Class, Power, and Organizing in East Baltimore: Rebuilding Abandoned Communities in America; the Rev. Todd Yeary, Senior Pastor of the Douglas Memorial Community Church; Dr. Daniel Webster, Director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research and Deputy Director for Research at the Johns Hopkins Center for the Prevention of Youth Violence; and Joshua Holland, contributing writer for The Nation, Writing Fellow with The Nation Institute, Host of Politics and Reality Radio, and author of the article “America Is Fine With Mass Shootings-as Long as They’re Not Perpetrated by Muslims.”