Ceasefire Baltimore

March 1, 2018

Confronting Violence in Baltimore: Artivism Day

March 1, 2018 - Artivism Day - Baltimore's creative community is coming together to support CeaseFire Baltimore, which has already demonstrated its effectiveness in stopping the shootings and killings in our streets. The event is called Artivism Day, and it will take place this Sunday, March 4, 5-8pm at Baltimore's Impact Hub. We are joined in-studio by its conveners: Sheila Gaskins, founder of Artparthied, and Kenneth Morrison, Executive Director of Dew More Baltimore. 
August 10, 2017

Baltimore Ceasefire: What Success Means & Where We Go From Here

August 10, 2017 - Baltimore Ceasefire  - This first podcast delves into the cities ceasefire last weekend as we talk with Erricka Bridgeford who inspired and created Baltimore Ceasefire and community theater activist and Steiner Show commentator Koli Tengella who was not part of the planning but was one of thousands to spontaneously and creatively participate respond to the call of  Baltimore Ceasefire.