Lea – Live Blogging from Maryland Watch Party

9:29pm – After a moving tribute produced by award winning filmaker Ken Burns, Senator Ted Kennedy has taken the stage and the crowd has gone crazy.  He has stated that nothing was going to keep him away from being here to support Barack Obama for President.  "We have never lost our belief that we are called to a better country and a better world." 


8:22pm – Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, the first woman speaker and the first Italian, calls Barack Obama a "21st Century Patriot who sees beyond the years…."  Pelosi was rallying the crowd by giving a call and response of "Barack Obama is right, and John McCain is wrong!" 


7:32 – John Legend and the Agape International Choir are now performing.


7:14 – Attorney General of Illinois Lisa Maddigan spoke on how she was only one of five elected Democratic women in the state of Illinois when she worked with Obama.  She spoke on how Obama worked to expand health care for working women, as well as training for women who needs jobs.  She ended with saying that he will continue to work hard for working families in America.


7:03pm – Reg Weaver, President of the National Education Association speaks on Obama’s commitment to education for ALL children.  Weaver states that Obama will not only trust generalized test stores, but provide resources so that every child succeeds.  Mr. Weaver passionately stated that Obama "is a man with a plan" for success. 


6:55 – Amanda Kubik from North Dakota is speaking on behalf of the young delegates.  She says that young people feel a "sense of urgency" and states that Senator Obama understands the reach of our young citizens.  Kubik states that young people have been galvanized and she says "this may be the first time that young people will have a desisive vote, but you can bet it won’t be the last time." 


6:53pm – NARAL Prochoice America’s President and CEO is conveying the importance of supporting Barack Obama when Senator McCain has spent the 25 years opposing a woman’s right to choose.  


6:49pm – In English and in Spanish members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus gave inspriring speeches on why they and their communities should support Barack Obama. One congressman put our current condition in perspective when he stated that as a congressman he "represents the poorest congressional district in the nation, the South Bronx in New York City,  in the richest city in the United States.  Change must happen.


5:00pm – Howard Dean has raised the gavel and the convention has officially began!